NHL lockout Donald Fehr says longer lockout lasts less happy players are with cap

The NHL lockout has already gone on longer than anybody wants it to, but nothing could make it extend even longer -- perhaps more than a full season -- than the NHLPA trying to do away with the salary cap.That hasn't been an i sue so far, and all NHLPA proposals have John Taylor Jersey kept the salary cap. But union leader Donald Fehr recently told the that even though the players are OK with it as long as a deal gets done quickly, .If this goes on for an extended period of time, I dont Bryant Young Jersey know what the players are going to do. But I think its safe to say, they would be exploring all options, said Fehr, via Kevin McGran of the .More from the :Where the players are, they want to make a deal, Fehr said. Even though the owners proposal went as far away from the players as they could, the players Fred Warner Jersey did not respond in kind. They made a proposal which moved in the owners direction. If there can be an agreement in a relatively short term, which puts the pieces back together and gets the season going, I think the players can live with that.Perhaps it's just rhetoric and Brandon Aiyuk Jersey threats to put some pre sure on the owners. But there's no doubt Fehr has been -- and remains -- an opponent of a salary cap in sports. If there's any truth to it and Ray Ray McCloud Jersey it ever comes to that point in the talks, it certainly wouldn't be good news for the NHL or hockey fans. One of the primary reasons the entire 2004-05 season was lost was because of the fundamental disagreements on the salary cap.The two sides are Dwight Clark Jersey scheduled to meet Wednesday and Thursday, but core economic i sues are not expected to be on the agenda. This week's meetings come after the sides .The NHL .The regular season was scheduled to start on Thursday. .
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